--- format: markdown toc: yes title: Number Theory Study Notes ... # Texts - *An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers*, Hardy and Wright # Reading Notes ## *Hardy and Wright*, 24 Jan 2014 ### Notation $\to$ : implies $\equiv$ : is equivalent to $\exists$ : there is an $\in$ : relation of a member of a class to a class A * affixed to a theorem number means the proof was too difficult to include in the book. ### The Series of Primes $..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...$ : The *rational integers* or just *integers* $0, 1, 2, 3, ...$ : The *non-negative integers* $1,2,3,...$ : The *positive integers* -- these are the primary subject of number theory (a.k.a "arithmetic") An integer $a$ is *divisible* by a non-zero integer $b$ if there is a $c$ such that $$a = bc$$ If $a$ and $b$ are positive, so is $c$ $b\mid a$ : $b$ is a *divisor* of $a$ ($a$ is divisible by $b$) $b\nmid a$ : $b$ is not a divisor of $a$ For all $a$, $1\mid a$ and $a\mid a$; For non-zero $b$, $b\mid 0$. When $c\neq0$: $$\begin{align} b\mid a \cdot c\mid b &\to c\mid a\\ b\mid a &\to bc\mid ac\\ \end{align}$$ and $$c\mid a \cdot c\mid b \to c\mid ma + nb$$ for all integers $m$ and $n$ A number $p$ is *prime* if: i. $p > 1$ ii. $p$ has no positive divisors except $1$ and $p$ The number $1$ is not considered prime. A number is *composite* if it is greater than $1$ and not prime. **Theorem 1** : Every positive integer, except $1$, is a product of primes.