
279 lines
9.9 KiB

module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Binary
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as V
import GHC.IO.Handle.FD (isEOF, stdout)
import System.Environment
import System.IO (hSetBinaryMode)
data UniversalMachine = UM { umRegisters :: V.IOVector Word32
, umArrays :: M.IntMap (V.IOVector Word32)
, umArrayId :: !Word32
, umFinger :: !Word32
data OpNumber = CondMove
-- ^ The register A receives the value in register B, unless
-- the register C contains 0
| ArrIndex
-- ^ The register A receives the value stored at offset in
-- register C in the array identified by B
| ArrAmend
-- ^ The array identified by A is amended at the offset in
-- register B to store the value in register C
| Add
-- ^ The register A receives the value in register B plus the
-- value in register C, modulo 2^32
| Mult
-- ^ The register A receives the value in register B times the
-- value in register C, modulo 2^32
| Div
-- ^ The register A receives the value in register B divided
-- by the value in register C, if any, where each quantity is
-- treated as an unsigned 32 bit number
| NotAnd
-- ^ Each bit in the register A receives the 1 bit if either
-- register B or register C has a 0 bit in that position.
-- Otherwise the bit in register A receives the 0 bit.
| Halt
-- ^ The universal machine stops computation.
| Alloc
-- ^ A new array is created with a capacity of platters
-- commensurate to the value in the register C. This new array
-- is initialized entirely with platters holding the value 0.
-- A bit pattern not consisting of exclusively the 0 bit, and
-- that identifies no other active allocated array, is placed
-- in the B register.
| Abandon
-- ^ The array identified by the register C is abandoned.
-- Future allocations may reuse the identifier.
| Output
-- ^ The value in register C is displayed on the console
-- immediately. Only values between and including 0 and 255 are
-- allowed.
| Input
-- ^ The universal machine waits for input on the console.
-- When input arrives, the register C is loaded with the input,
-- which must be between and including 0 and 255. If the end of
-- input has been signaled, then the register C is endowed with
-- a uniform value pattern where every place is pregnant with
-- the 1 bit.
| LoadProg
-- ^ The array identified by the B register is duplicated and
-- the duplicate shall replace the '0' array, regardless of
-- size. The execution finger is placed to indicate the platter
-- of this array that is described by the offset given in C,
-- where the value of 0 denotes the first platter, 1 the
-- second, et cetera.
-- The '0' array shall be the most sublime choice for loading,
-- and shall be handled with the utmost velocity.
| Orthography
-- ^ The value indicated is loaded into the register A
-- forthwith.
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show, Read)
data Operator = Std { op :: !OpNumber
, argA :: !Word8
, argB :: !Word8
, argC :: !Word8
| Spl { op :: !OpNumber
, argA :: !Word8
, val :: !Word32
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
opDecode :: Word32 -> Operator
opDecode p = let op_ = fromIntegral (p `shiftR` 28)
argA_ = fromIntegral (p `shiftR` 6) .&. 0x7
argB_ = fromIntegral (p `shiftR` 3) .&. 0x7
argC_ = fromIntegral p .&. 0x7
splA_ = fromIntegral (p `shiftR` 25) .&. 0x7
val_ = fromIntegral p .&. 0x01ffffff
name_ = toEnum op_
in case name_ of
Orthography -> Spl name_ splA_ val_
_ -> Std name_ argA_ argB_ argC_
fetchReg :: Word8 -> UniversalMachine -> IO Word32
fetchReg r um = umRegisters um `` fromIntegral r
setReg :: Word8 -> Word32 -> UniversalMachine -> IO ()
setReg r num um = V.write (umRegisters um) (fromIntegral r) num
fetchMem :: Word32 -> Word32 -> UniversalMachine -> IO Word32
fetchMem arr off um = do
let bank = umArrays um M.! fromIntegral arr
bank `` fromIntegral off
allocMem :: Word32 -> UniversalMachine -> IO (Word32, UniversalMachine)
allocMem size um = do
arr <- V.replicate (fromIntegral size) 0
let idx = umArrayId um
let newArrays = M.insert (fromIntegral idx) arr (umArrays um)
return (idx, um{ umArrays = newArrays, umArrayId = idx+1 })
freeMem :: Word32 -> UniversalMachine -> IO UniversalMachine
freeMem idx um = do
let newArrays = M.delete (fromIntegral idx) (umArrays um)
return um{ umArrays = newArrays }
writeMem :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> UniversalMachine -> IO ()
writeMem arr off num um = do
let targetArr = umArrays um M.! fromIntegral arr
targetArr `V.write` fromIntegral off $ num
incFinger :: UniversalMachine -> UniversalMachine
incFinger um@(UM { umFinger = f }) = um { umFinger = f + 1 }
opExec :: Operator -> UniversalMachine -> IO UniversalMachine
opExec oper@(Std { op = CondMove }) um = do
c <- fetchReg (argC oper) um
unless (c == 0) $ do
b <- fetchReg (argB oper) um
setReg (argA oper) b um
return um
opExec oper@(Std { op = ArrIndex }) um = do
arr <- fetchReg (argB oper) um
off <- fetchReg (argC oper) um
num <- fetchMem (fromIntegral arr) (fromIntegral off) um
setReg (argA oper) num um
return um
opExec oper@(Std { op = ArrAmend }) um = do
arr <- fetchReg (argA oper) um
off <- fetchReg (argB oper) um
num <- fetchReg (argC oper) um
writeMem (fromIntegral arr) (fromIntegral off) num um
return um
opExec oper@(Std { op = Add }) um = do
b <- fetchReg (argB oper) um
c <- fetchReg (argC oper) um
let num = b + c
setReg (argA oper) num um
return um
opExec oper@(Std { op = Mult }) um = do
b <- fetchReg (argB oper) um
c <- fetchReg (argC oper) um
let num = b * c
setReg (argA oper) num um
return um
opExec oper@(Std { op = Div }) um = do
b <- fetchReg (argB oper) um
c <- fetchReg (argC oper) um
let num = b `div` c
unless (c == 0) $ setReg (argA oper) num um
return um
opExec oper@(Std { op = NotAnd }) um = do
b <- fetchReg (argB oper) um
c <- fetchReg (argC oper) um
let num = complement (b .&. c)
setReg (argA oper) num um
return um
opExec (Std { op = Halt }) _ = error "Halted!"
opExec oper@(Std { op = Alloc }) um = do
size <- fetchReg (argC oper) um
(addr, um') <- allocMem size um
setReg (argB oper) addr um'
return um'
opExec oper@(Std { op = Abandon }) um = do
c <- fetchReg (argC oper) um
freeMem c um
opExec oper@(Std { op = Output }) um = do
c <- fetchReg (argC oper) um
BS.hPut stdout $ BS.singleton (fromIntegral c)
return um
opExec oper@(Std { op = Input }) um = do
eof <- isEOF
c <- if eof then return 0xffffffff
else liftM (fromIntegral . fromEnum) getChar
setReg (argC oper) c um
return um
opExec oper@(Std { op = LoadProg }) um = do
b <- fetchReg (argB oper) um
c <- fetchReg (argC oper) um
if b /= 0 then
do let bank = umArrays um M.! fromIntegral b
newbank <- V.clone bank
let newarrays = M.insert 0 newbank (umArrays um)
return um { umFinger = c, umArrays = newarrays }
else return (um { umFinger = c })
opExec (Spl { op = Orthography
, argA = a
, val = v }) um = do
setReg a v um
return um
bytesToWord :: BS.ByteString -> (Word32, BS.ByteString)
bytesToWord bs = let a = BS.index bs 0
b = BS.index bs 1
c = BS.index bs 2
d = BS.index bs 3
((fromIntegral a :: Word32) `shiftL` 24 .|.
(fromIntegral b :: Word32) `shiftL` 16 .|.
(fromIntegral c :: Word32) `shiftL` 8 .|.
(fromIntegral d :: Word32), BS.drop 4 bs)
loadProgram :: String -> IO (V.IOVector Word32)
loadProgram file = do
chars <- BS.readFile file
prog <- V.replicate (BS.length chars `div` 4) 0
go chars 0 prog
return prog
go bs i vec = do
let (w32, rest) = bytesToWord bs
vec `V.write` i $ w32
unless (BS.length rest < 4) $ go rest (i+1) vec
newUM :: String -> IO UniversalMachine
newUM file = do
regs <- V.replicate 8 0
progVec <- loadProgram file
let arrays = M.fromList [(0, progVec)]
putStrLn "Finished loading Universal Machine!"
return UM { umRegisters = regs
, umArrays = arrays
, umArrayId = 1
, umFinger = 0
spin :: UniversalMachine -> IO UniversalMachine
spin um@UM{ umFinger = finger } = do
oper <- fetchMem 0 (fromIntegral finger) um
um2 <- opExec (opDecode oper) (incFinger um)
spin um2
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
hSetBinaryMode stdout True
case args of
[] -> putStrLn "Usage: um <filename>"
fname : _ -> do
um <- newUM fname
spin um
return ()