commit e3565057edfa0a4818f0edcce3f23e04562a1f1d Author: Levi Pearson Date: Thu Sep 13 10:44:06 2018 -0600 Presentation as of 9/12/2018, presented at LDUG diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a27ca8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# Use nix-shell -p pandoc to bring pandoc into the path + +NAME := Types + +THEME := metropolis +THEME_FILES := beamercolortheme${THEME}.sty \ + beamerfonttheme${THEME}.sty \ + beamerinnertheme${THEME}.sty \ + beameroutertheme${THEME}.sty \ + beamertheme${THEME}.sty \ + pgfplotsthemetol.sty + +.PHONY: all clean tex-clean + +all: ${NAME}.pdf + +body.tex: ${NAME}.md + pandoc --pdf-engine=xelatex -t beamer -V theme:${THEME} -o body.tex ${NAME}.md + +${NAME}.pdf: head.tex body.tex + xelatex head.tex + xelatex head.tex + mv head.pdf ${NAME}.pdf + +tex-clean: + @rm -f *.aux *.log *.nav *.out *.snm *.toc *.vrb body.tex + +clean: tex-clean + @rm -f *.pdf diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b21eb7c --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ +--- +title: Intro to Types +subtitle: What they are and what they're for +author: Levi Pearson +... + +# Overview + +## Goals + ++ Enough terminology to understand discussions ++ Understand what types provide, and at what cost ++ How common language features interact with type systems + +## Not-Goals + ++ Debate about whether typed languages are "good" or "bad" ++ Deep understanding of Type Theory + +# Definitions + +## Caveats + ++ "Types" and "Type Systems" are overloaded terms + ++ Many usages are correct--in the right context! + ++ Be prepared to find common ground *before* arguing + +## Type System + +> A type system is a tractable syntactic method for proving +> the absence of certain program behaviors by classifying +> phrases according to the kinds of values they compute. +> +> -- Benjamin Pierce, "Types and Programming Languages" + +## Types About Programs + ++ Types and type systems were invented before computers ++ Used in logic, math, and philosophy ++ Also used in CS for things other than practical programs ++ They are related, but we won't speak further about them! + +## Syntactic Method + ++ "Syntactic" means "based on the form of the text", or "static" + ++ This excludes run-time or "dynamic" information from the proof + +## Classifying + ++ Types *classify* textual phrases ("terms") + ++ Types *describe* the values the terms of that type can evaluate to + ++ They provide an "upper bound" on the range of values + ++ E.g. the expression `3 + 2` is a term that may have the type `Int` + +## Absence of Behaviors + ++ Proofs are *about* run-time behavior, not syntactic issues + ++ Example behaviors to exclude: + - Nonsensical operations, e.g. `3 + false` + - Calling missing methods + - Violation of abstraction boundaries + ++ Each system chooses what behaviors it excludes + +## Tractable + ++ An algorithm (the "type checker") exists ++ It can prove that the types assigned to terms are consistent *or* ++ It can show where any inconsistencies are in the program ++ The algorithm must complete in a reasonable amount of time ++ It is desirable to know it will *always* complete + +# Errors and Safety + +## Going Wrong + +> ... well-typed programs cannot "go wrong" ... +> +> -- Robin Milner, "A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming" + ++ This paper introduced the type checker for ML + ++ What does he mean by "go wrong"? + +## Formal Semantics + ++ To formally prove, you must first formally specify + ++ A formal semantics gives unambiguous meaning to all programs + ++ This is as difficult as it sounds; rarely done for full languages + ++ Milner gave the meaning "wrong" to certain program fragments + +## Well-Typed + ++ To be "well-typed" means types can be found for all terms + ++ Types are the "upper bound" on possible evaluations + ++ The meaning/evaluation "wrong" has no type + ++ If a program is well-typed, it can't go (i.e. evaluate to) "wrong" + +## What is "wrong"? + ++ Not all errors can be easily ruled out this way + ++ Types are an approximation of run-time values + ++ Detecting some errors requires very fine approximation + ++ "Fancy" types can approximate better, but add complexity + +## Safety + ++ What errors to prioritize? Abstraction-breaking ones. + - Out-of bounds manipulation of memory + - Viewing an object as a value outside its type + - Viewing uninitialized memory + - Executing code at an illegal address + - Corruption of run-time or system data + ++ If a language rules out these behaviors in its programs, it is Safe. + ++ Safe langauges may still have plenty of errors in their programs + ++ Errors in safe languages are properly attributed to their causes! + +## Safety and Types + ++ Types can rule out many, but usually not all, safety errors. + - Array bounds for dynamically-sized arrays + - Use-after-free errors + ++ Run-time checks can catch them all! + ++ So why use types? + +## Advantages to Type Safety + ++ Errors are ruled out *before* execution and for all runs + ++ Expensive run-time checks can be elided + ++ Sometimes more efficient data representation can be used + ++ Types provide useful documentation, especially when precise + +## Costs to Type Safety + ++ Some programs are ruled out that would run correctly if dyanmically checked + ++ Extra time and formality is needed in the language design + ++ Type checking algorithms may take non-trivial compile time + ++ Some run-time checks and other infrastructure still needed + +## Type Systems Are Hard + +> It turns out that a fair amount of careful analysis is required to +> avoid false and embarrasing claims of type soundness for programming +> languages. As a consequence, the classification, description, and +> study of type systems has emerged as a formal discipline. +> +> -- Luca Cardelli + +# Classifying Type Systems + +## Surface Dimensions + ++ Safe vs. Unsafe ++ Typed vs. Untyped ++ Explicit vs. Implicit ++ Simple vs... not? + +## When is a language typed? + ++ If it has a type checker, it is typed ++ It may *also* store information for run-time checking ++ The type checker might not be of much help sometimes ++ Things get fuzzy sometimes + +## Implicit types and inference + ++ Many useful ML programs can be written without naming a type in their text ++ "Algorithm W", a.k.a. "Hindley-Milner type inference" figures them all out ++ Tractability of inference algorithms is very sensitive to type system features! ++ Interacts particularly poorly with subtyping ++ "inference" vs. "deduction" + +## Simple Types + ++ These types classify values and functions ++ Can include higher-order functions ++ Base types, plus various compound types ++ tuples, records, variants, enumerations, arrays, etc. ++ Languages with simple type systems begin with Fortran in 1950s. + +## Polymorphic Types + ++ A polymorphic type is parameterized by one or more type variables ++ For each choice of type for the type variable, a new concrete type is selected ++ A polymorphic type is like a function from types to types ++ This is called "parametric polymorphism" ++ A simple type system is a first-order system; with polymorphism, higher-order. + +## Polymorphic Lists + ++ `List` is a type that maps a type `T` to the type of lists of `T` ++ It works for *all* types `T` ++ `List` itself is sometimes called a "type constructor" ++ Code written in terms of `List` can not depend on what `T` is chosen + +## Subtyping + ++ A type 'A' is a subtype of type 'B' if a term of type 'A' + can be used anywhere a 'B' is expected + ++ Sometimes known as "subtype polymorphism" + +## Existential Types + +> Type structure is a syntactic discipline for enforcing levels of abstraction. +> +> -- John Reynolds + +## Forall vs. Exists + ++ Parametric type variable is *universally quantified* ++ `List` means "For all types T, we can construct List of T" ++ From logic, we also have *existential quantification* ++ "There exists a type T such that..." + +## How does that work? + ++ We can bundle an existential type with operations that are aware of its real nature ++ `exists T. { T.to_string() -> String; T.combine(other: T) -> T }` ++ These can be used in contexts where the exact type is known; i.e. it is abstract diff --git a/beamercolorthememetropolis.sty b/beamercolorthememetropolis.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6badc65 --- /dev/null +++ b/beamercolorthememetropolis.sty @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +%% +%% This is file `beamercolorthememetropolis.sty', +%% generated with the docstrip utility. +%% +%% The original source files were: +%% +%% beamercolorthememetropolis.dtx (with options: `package') +%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Copyright 2015 Matthias Vogelgesang and the LaTeX community. 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original source files were: +%% +%% beamerouterthememetropolis.dtx (with options: `package') +%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Copyright 2015 Matthias Vogelgesang and the LaTeX community. A full list of +%% contributors can be found at +%% +%% +%% +%% and the original template was based on the HSRM theme by Benjamin Weiss. +%% +%% This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 +%% International License ( +%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{beamerouterthememetropolis}[2015/12/04 Metropolis outer theme] +\RequirePackage{etoolbox} +\RequirePackage{calc} +\RequirePackage{pgfopts} +\pgfkeys{ + /metropolis/outer/numbering/.cd, + .is choice, + none/.code=\setbeamertemplate{frame numbering}[none], + counter/.code=\setbeamertemplate{frame numbering}[counter], + fraction/.code=\setbeamertemplate{frame numbering}[fraction], +} +\pgfkeys{ + /metropolis/outer/progressbar/.cd, + .is choice, + none/.code={% + \setbeamertemplate{headline}[plain] + \setbeamertemplate{frametitle}[plain] + \setbeamertemplate{footline}[plain] + }, + head/.code={\pgfkeys{/metropolis/outer/progressbar=none} + \addtobeamertemplate{headline}{}{% + \usebeamertemplate*{progress bar in head/foot} + } + }, + frametitle/.code={\pgfkeys{/metropolis/outer/progressbar=none} + \addtobeamertemplate{frametitle}{}{% + \usebeamertemplate*{progress bar in head/foot} + } + }, + foot/.code={\pgfkeys{/metropolis/outer/progressbar=none} + \addtobeamertemplate{footline}{}{% + \usebeamertemplate*{progress bar in head/foot}% + } + }, +} +\pgfkeys{ + /metropolis/outer/titleformat frame/.cd, + .is choice, + regular/.code={% + \let\@metropolis@frametitleformat\@empty% + \setbeamerfont{frametitle}{shape=\normalfont}% + \renewcommand{\@metropolis@frametitlestrut}{% + \vphantom{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}% + } + }, + smallcaps/.code={% + \let\@metropolis@frametitleformat\@empty% + \setbeamerfont{frametitle}{shape=\scshape}% + \renewcommand{\@metropolis@frametitlestrut}{% + \vphantom{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}% + } + }, + allsmallcaps/.code={% + \let\@metropolis@frametitleformat\MakeLowercase% + \setbeamerfont{frametitle}{shape=\scshape}% + \renewcommand{\@metropolis@frametitlestrut}{% + \vphantom{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}% + } + \PackageWarning{beamerthememetropolis}{% + Be aware that titleformat frame=allsmallcaps can lead to problems% + } + }, + allcaps/.code={% + \let\@metropolis@frametitleformat\MakeUppercase% + \setbeamerfont{frametitle}{shape=\normalfont} + \renewcommand{\@metropolis@frametitlestrut}{% + \vphantom{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ}% + } + \PackageWarning{beamerthememetropolis}{% + Be aware that titleformat frame=allcaps can lead to problems% + } + }, +} +\newcommand{\@metropolis@outer@setdefaults}{ + \pgfkeys{/metropolis/outer/.cd, + numbering=counter, + progressbar=none, + titleformat frame=regular, + } +} +\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} +\defbeamertemplate{frame numbering}{none}{} +\defbeamertemplate{frame numbering}{counter}{\insertframenumber} +\defbeamertemplate{frame numbering}{fraction}{ + \insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber +} +\defbeamertemplate{headline}{plain}{} +\defbeamertemplate{footline}{plain}{% + \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\textwidth, sep=3ex]{footline}% + \hfill% + \usebeamerfont{page number in head/foot}% + \usebeamertemplate*{frame numbering} + \end{beamercolorbox}% +} +\def\@metropolis@frametitleformat#1{#1} +\patchcmd{\beamer@@frametitle} + {\beamer@ifempty{#2}{}{% + \gdef\insertframetitle{{#2\ifnum\beamer@autobreakcount>0\relax{}\space% + \usebeamertemplate*{frametitle continuation}\fi}}% + \gdef\beamer@frametitle{#2}% + \gdef\beamer@shortframetitle{#1}% + }} + {\beamer@ifempty{#2}{}{% + \gdef\insertframetitle{{\@metropolis@frametitleformat{#2}\ifnum% + \beamer@autobreakcount>0\relax{}\space% + \usebeamertemplate*{frametitle continuation}\fi}}% + \gdef\beamer@frametitle{#2}% + \gdef\beamer@shortframetitle{#1}% + }} + {} + {\PackageError{beamerouterthememetropolis}{Patching frame title failed}} +\newlength{\@metropolis@frametitlestrut} +\defbeamertemplate{frametitle}{plain}{% + \nointerlineskip% + \begin{beamercolorbox}[% + wd=\paperwidth,% + sep=1.5ex,% + ]{frametitle}% + \@metropolis@frametitlestrut\insertframetitle\@metropolis@frametitlestrut% + \end{beamercolorbox}% +} +\newlength{\metropolis@progressinheadfoot} +\setbeamertemplate{progress bar in head/foot}{ + \nointerlineskip + \setlength{\metropolis@progressinheadfoot}{% + \paperwidth * \ratio{\insertframenumber pt}{\inserttotalframenumber pt}% + }% + \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth]{progress bar in head/foot} + \begin{tikzpicture} + \draw[bg, fill=bg] (0,0) rectangle (\paperwidth, 0.4pt); 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A full list of +%% contributors can be found at +%% +%% +%% +%% and the original template was based on the HSRM theme by Benjamin Weiss. +%% +%% This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 +%% International License ( +%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{beamerthememetropolis}[2015/12/04 Metropolis Beamer theme] +\RequirePackage{etoolbox} +\RequirePackage{pgfopts} +\newcommand{\metroset}[1]{\pgfkeys{/metropolis/.cd,#1}} +\pgfkeys{/metropolis/.cd, + .search also={ + /metropolis/inner, + /metropolis/outer, + /metropolis/color, + }, + block/.code=\pgfkeysalso{ + inner/block=#1, + color/block=#1, + }, +} +\pgfkeys{ + /metropolis/titleformat plain/.cd, + .is choice, + regular/.code={% + \let\@metropolis@plaintitleformat\@empty% + \setbeamerfont{plain title}{shape=\normalfont}% + }, + smallcaps/.code={% + \let\@metropolis@plaintitleformat\@empty% + \setbeamerfont{plain 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community. A full list of +%% contributors can be found at +%% +%% +%% +%% and the original template was based on the HSRM theme by Benjamin Weiss. +%% +%% This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 +%% International License ( +%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{pgfplotsthemetol} + [2015/06/16 PGFplots colors based on Paul Tol's SRON technical note] +\definecolor{TolDarkPurple}{HTML}{332288} +\definecolor{TolDarkBlue}{HTML}{6699CC} +\definecolor{TolLightBlue}{HTML}{88CCEE} +\definecolor{TolLightGreen}{HTML}{44AA99} +\definecolor{TolDarkGreen}{HTML}{117733} +\definecolor{TolDarkBrown}{HTML}{999933} +\definecolor{TolLightBrown}{HTML}{DDCC77} +\definecolor{TolDarkRed}{HTML}{661100} +\definecolor{TolLightRed}{HTML}{CC6677} +\definecolor{TolLightPink}{HTML}{AA4466} +\definecolor{TolDarkPink}{HTML}{882255} +\definecolor{TolLightPurple}{HTML}{AA4499} +\pgfplotscreateplotcyclelist{mbarplot cycle}{% + {draw=TolDarkBlue, fill=TolDarkBlue!70}, + {draw=TolLightBrown, fill=TolLightBrown!70}, + {draw=TolLightGreen, fill=TolLightGreen!70}, + {draw=TolDarkPink, fill=TolDarkPink!70}, + {draw=TolDarkPurple, fill=TolDarkPurple!70}, + {draw=TolDarkRed, fill=TolDarkRed!70}, + {draw=TolDarkBrown, fill=TolDarkBrown!70}, + {draw=TolLightRed, fill=TolLightRed!70}, + {draw=TolLightPink, fill=TolLightPink!70}, + {draw=TolLightPurple, fill=TolLightPurple!70}, + {draw=TolLightBlue, fill=TolLightBlue!70}, + {draw=TolDarkGreen, fill=TolDarkGreen!70}, +} +\pgfplotscreateplotcyclelist{mlineplot cycle}{% + {TolDarkBlue, mark=*, mark size=1.5pt}, + {TolLightBrown, mark=square*, mark size=1.3pt}, + {TolLightGreen, mark=triangle*, mark size=1.5pt}, + {TolDarkBrown, mark=diamond*, mark size=1.5pt}, +} +\pgfplotsset{ + compat=1.9, + mlineplot/.style={ + mbaseplot, + xmajorgrids=true, + ymajorgrids=true, + major grid style={dotted}, + axis x line=bottom, + axis y line=left, + legend style={ + cells={anchor=west}, + draw=none + }, + cycle list name=mlineplot cycle, + }, + mbarplot base/.style={ + mbaseplot, + bar width=6pt, + axis y line*=none, + }, + mbarplot/.style={ + mbarplot base, + ybar, + xmajorgrids=false, + ymajorgrids=true, + area legend, + legend image code/.code={% + \draw[#1] (0cm,-0.1cm) rectangle (0.15cm,0.1cm); + }, + cycle list name=mbarplot cycle, + }, + horizontal mbarplot/.style={ + mbarplot base, + xmajorgrids=true, + ymajorgrids=false, + xbar stacked, + area legend, + legend image code/.code={% + \draw[#1] (0cm,-0.1cm) rectangle (0.15cm,0.1cm); + }, + cycle list name=mbarplot cycle, + }, + mbaseplot/.style={ + legend style={ + draw=none, + fill=none, + cells={anchor=west}, + }, + x tick label style={ + font=\footnotesize + }, + y tick label style={ + font=\footnotesize + }, + legend style={ + font=\footnotesize + }, + major grid style={ + dotted, + }, + axis x line*=bottom, + }, + disable thousands separator/.style={ + /pgf/number format/.cd, + 1000 sep={} + }, +} +\endinput +%% +%% End of file `pgfplotsthemetol.sty'.