
142 lines
4.3 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Pipes.IRC.Server
( mkIrcServer
, startIrcServer
, listenHandler
, module Pipes.IRC.Server.Types
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder (toLazyByteString)
import Data.List as L
import Pipes
import Pipes.Attoparsec
import Pipes.Concurrent as PC
import Pipes.IRC.Message.Parse
import Pipes.IRC.Message.Render
import Pipes.IRC.Message.Types
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Types
import Pipes.Lift (runStateP)
import Pipes.Network.TCP
import Pipes.Parse as PP
sendToMany :: a -> [Output a] -> IO ()
sendToMany msg outs = do
resL <- forM outs $ \o ->
async $ atomically $ PC.send o msg
mapM_ wait resL
publishStream :: TVar [IrcConnection a] -> Consumer a IO ()
publishStream clients = forever $ do
msg <- await
cs <- lift $ atomically $ readTVar clients
let os = L.map out cs
lift $ sendToMany msg os
spawnEcho :: TVar [IrcConnection a] -> IO (Output a)
spawnEcho clients = do
(writeEnd, readEnd) <- spawn Unbounded
_ <- async $ forever $
runEffect $ fromInput readEnd >-> publishStream clients
return writeEnd
logMsg :: IrcMessage -> IO ()
logMsg msg = BS.putStr $ BS.concat
["LOG: ", toStrict $ toLazyByteString (renderIrcMessage msg)]
cmdHandler :: Output IrcMessage -> Consumer IrcMessage IO ()
cmdHandler echoSrv = toOutput echoSrv
filterMsgs :: Pipe (Either BS.ByteString IrcMessage) IrcMessage IO ()
filterMsgs = forever $ do
cmd <- await
case cmd of
Left bs -> lift $ BS.putStr $ BS.concat ["BAD COMMAND: ", bs]
Right c -> do lift $ logMsg c
yield c
addIrcConnection :: IrcConnection IrcMessage -> IrcServer -> IO ()
addIrcConnection client server = do
let clients = ircConnections server
atomically $ modifyTVar clients $ \cs -> client : cs
delIrcConnection :: IrcConnection IrcMessage -> IrcServer -> IO ()
delIrcConnection client server = do
let clients = ircConnections server
atomically $ modifyTVar clients $ delete client
parseMessage :: Producer BS.ByteString IO ()
-> Producer (Either BS.ByteString IrcMessage) IO ()
parseMessage prod = do
(me, src') <- runStateP prod go
case me of
Left e -> lift . print . show $ e
Right r -> return r
go = do
eof <- lift isEndOfParserInput
if eof
then do
liftIO $ BS.putStrLn "EOF Reached"
ra <- lift PP.draw
case ra of
Left r -> return (Right r)
Right _ -> error "parseMessage: impossible!!"
else do
eb <- lift (parse parseMsgOrLine)
case eb of
Left e -> return (Left e)
Right (_, b) -> yield b >> go
renderMessage :: Pipe IrcMessage BS.ByteString IO ()
renderMessage = forever $ do
msg <- await
let output = toIrcMessage msg
yield output
toIrcMessage = toStrict . toLazyByteString . renderIrcMessage
listenHandler :: IrcServer -> IrcHandler
listenHandler server (lsock, _) =
forever $ acceptFork lsock $ \(csock, caddr) ->
sockWriter = toSocket csock
sockReader = fromSocket csock 4096
handler = ircHandler server
in do
(writeEnd, readEnd) <- spawn Unbounded
let client = IrcConnection csock caddr writeEnd
addIrcConnection client server
r <- async $ runEffect $
parseMessage sockReader >-> filterMsgs >-> handler
w <- async $ runEffect $
fromInput readEnd >-> renderMessage >-> sockWriter
mapM_ wait [r,w]
delIrcConnection client server
mkIrcServer :: IrcConfig -> IO IrcServer
mkIrcServer config = do
conns <- atomically $ newTVar []
users <- atomically $ newTVar []
chans <- atomically $ newTVar []
echoEnd <- spawnEcho conns
return $ IrcServer config conns users chans (cmdHandler echoEnd)
startIrcServer :: IrcServer -> IrcHandler -> IO (Async ())
startIrcServer server handler =
async $ listen sHost sPort handler
sHost = ircHost . ircConfig $ server
sPort = ircPort . ircConfig $ server