Various refactorings and bugfixes
@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
module Pipes.IRC.Message
( parseMsgOrLine
, parseIrcMessage
, renderIrcMessage
, renderIrcMessageNoNL
, module Pipes.IRC.Message.Types
) where
import Pipes.IRC.Message.Parse
import Pipes.IRC.Message.Render
import Pipes.IRC.Message.Types
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
module Pipes.IRC.Message.Render
( renderIrcMessage
, renderIrcMessageNoNL
, renderNickName )
@ -15,17 +16,20 @@ import Data.Monoid
import Pipes.IRC.Message.Types
renderIrcMessage :: IrcMessage -> C8.ByteString
renderIrcMessage = toStrict . toLazyByteString . buildIrcMessage
renderIrcMessage = toStrict . toLazyByteString . buildIrcMessage True
renderIrcMessageNoNL :: IrcMessage -> ByteString
renderIrcMessageNoNL = toStrict . toLazyByteString . buildIrcMessage False
renderNickName :: NickName -> C8.ByteString
renderNickName = toStrict . toLazyByteString . buildNickName
buildIrcMessage :: IrcMessage -> Builder
buildIrcMessage IrcMessage {..} =
buildIrcMessage :: Bool -> IrcMessage -> Builder
buildIrcMessage nl IrcMessage {..} =
buildMsgPrefix prefix
<> buildMsgCommand command
<> buildIrcParams params
<> byteString "\r\n"
<> if nl then byteString "\r\n" else mempty
buildMsgPrefix :: Maybe MsgPrefix -> Builder
buildMsgPrefix Nothing = mempty
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module Pipes.IRC.Message.Types where
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Monoid
data IrcMessage =
IrcMessage { prefix :: Maybe MsgPrefix
@ -71,6 +72,10 @@ data IrcReply = IrcReply
, replyName :: !B.ByteString
} deriving (Show)
instance Monoid IrcReply where
mempty = mkIrcReply 400 "UNKNOWN ERROR"
_ `mappend` b = b
instance Eq IrcReply where
IrcReply { replyCode = a } == IrcReply { replyCode = b } = a == b
@ -13,27 +13,27 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set as S
import Data.Time.Clock
import Network.Socket as NS
import Pipes
import Pipes.Attoparsec
import Pipes.Concurrent as PC
import Pipes.IRC.Message.Parse
import Pipes.IRC.Message.Render
import Pipes.IRC.Message.Types
import Pipes.IRC.Message
import Pipes.IRC.Server.EventHandler
import Pipes.IRC.Server.IrcMonad
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Log
import Pipes.IRC.Server.MessageHandler
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Server
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Types
import Pipes.Network.TCP as PN
version :: BS.ByteString
version :: ByteString
version = "0.1a"
parseMessage :: Producer BS.ByteString IO ()
-> Producer (Either BS.ByteString IrcMessage) IO ()
parseMessage :: Producer ByteString IO ()
-> Producer (Either ByteString IrcMessage) IO ()
parseMessage prod = do
void $ for (parseMany parseMsgOrLine prod) $ \res ->
case res of
@ -41,19 +41,18 @@ parseMessage prod = do
(_, Right val) -> yield $ Right val
return ()
renderMessage :: Pipe IrcMessage BS.ByteString IO ()
renderMessage :: Pipe IrcMessage ByteString IO ()
renderMessage = forever $ do
msg <- await
let output = renderIrcMessage msg
yield output
filterMsgs :: Pipe (Either BS.ByteString IrcMessage) IrcMessage IO ()
filterMsgs :: Pipe (Either ByteString IrcMessage) IrcMessage IO ()
filterMsgs = forever $ do
cmd <- await
case cmd of
Left bs -> liftIO $ BS.putStr $ BS.concat ["BAD COMMAND: ", bs]
Right c -> do lift $ logMsg c
yield c
Left bs -> liftIO $ logLine $ BS.concat ["BAD COMMAND: ", bs]
Right c -> yield c
addIrcConnection :: ServerState -> IrcConnection -> IO Int
addIrcConnection srv client = do
@ -80,6 +79,32 @@ delIrcConnection srv cid = atomically $ do
_ -> return ()
modifyTVar' (srv ^. ircConnections) $ M.delete cid
ircMonadTransaction :: ServerState -> Int -> RegState -> IrcMonad ()
-> IO (RegState, [IrcEvent])
ircMonadTransaction srv cid userReg action = do
cmap <- readTVarIO $ srv ^. ircConnections
let hostname = view (at cid . traverse . hname) cmap
curTime <- getCurrentTime
atomically $ do
sState <- readTVar $ srv ^. ircState
let sConf = srv ^. ircConfig
let cState = ClientState { _clientReg = userReg
, _clientServer = sState
, _clientHost = hostname
, _clientConn = cid }
let (_, newState, events) = runRWS action sConf cState
writeTVar (srv ^. ircState) (newState ^. clientServer)
modifyTVar' (srv ^. ircConnections) $
M.adjust ((reg .~ newState ^. clientReg).(lastCom .~ curTime)) cid
return (newState ^. clientReg, events)
runIrcMonad :: ServerState -> Int -> IrcMonad () -> IO ()
runIrcMonad srv cid action = do
cs <- readTVarIO (srv ^. ircConnections)
let cReg = maybe (Unreg Nothing Nothing Nothing) (view reg) (cs ^. at cid)
(_, events) <- ircMonadTransaction srv cid cReg action
forM_ events $ ircEventHandler srv
cmdHandler :: ServerState -> Int -> Consumer IrcMessage IO ()
cmdHandler srv cid =
let cReg = Unreg Nothing Nothing Nothing
@ -89,38 +114,24 @@ cmdHandler srv cid =
Just c -> handle (c ^. hname) cReg
Nothing -> return ()
handle host userReg = do
handle h userReg = do
-- wait for the next command
nextMsg <- await
curTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
liftIO $ logMsg nextMsg (fromMaybe "unknown" h) userReg
-- run the handler in a transaction
(newReg, events) <- liftIO $ atomically $ do
sState <- readTVar $ srv ^. ircState
let sConf = srv ^. ircConfig
let cState = ClientState { _clientReg = userReg
, _clientServer = sState
, _clientHost = host
, _clientConn = cid
-- run the handler in the IrcMonad, returning new state and events
let (_, newState, events) =
runRWS (ircMessageHandler nextMsg) sConf cState
writeTVar (srv ^. ircState) $
newState ^. clientServer
modifyTVar' (srv ^. ircConnections) $
M.adjust ((reg .~ newState ^. clientReg).(lastCom .~ curTime)) cid
return (newState ^. clientReg, events)
(newReg, events) <-
liftIO $ ircMonadTransaction srv cid userReg (ircMessageHandler nextMsg)
-- handle resulting events
aliveL <- liftIO $ forM events $ ircEventHandler srv
{- -- debug
sState <- liftIO $ readTVarIO $ srv ^. ircState
liftIO $ BS.putStrLn $ BS.pack (show sState)
-- loop for the next command
when (and aliveL) $ handle host newReg
when (and aliveL) $ handle h newReg
idlePinger :: ServerState -> Int -> IO ()
idlePinger srv cid =
@ -134,21 +145,28 @@ idlePinger srv cid =
M.adjust (gotPong .~ False) cid
checkPong = do conns <- readTVarIO (srv ^. ircConnections)
return $ conns ! cid ^. gotPong
forever $ do
threadDelay oneMinute
curTime <- getCurrentTime
time <- getLastCom
let diffTime = toRational . diffUTCTime curTime $ time
if diffTime > 60
then do
atomically $ do
conns <- readTVar (srv ^. ircConnections)
PC.send (conns ! cid ^. out) pingMsg
threadDelay oneMinute
else return True
timeoutLoop b = when b $ do
threadDelay oneMinute
curTime <- getCurrentTime
time <- getLastCom
let diffTime = toRational . diffUTCTime curTime $ time
if diffTime > 60
then do
atomically $ do
conns <- readTVar (srv ^. ircConnections)
PC.send (conns ! cid ^. out) pingMsg
threadDelay oneMinute
checkPong >>= timeoutLoop
else timeoutLoop True
in do
-- timeoutLoop will call itself repeatedly until a timeout occurs
timeoutLoop True
-- Then we need to send a timeout message
runIrcMonad srv cid $ doQuit (Just "Ping timeout")
listenHandler :: ServerState -> (Socket, SockAddr) -> IO ()
listenHandler srv (lsock, _) =
@ -161,6 +179,9 @@ listenHandler srv (lsock, _) =
(writeEnd, readEnd) <- spawn Unbounded
curTime <- getCurrentTime
logLine $ BS.pack $
"Accepted connection from " ++ fromMaybe "unknown" hName
let client = IrcConnection
{ _sock = csock
, _addr = caddr
@ -188,6 +209,9 @@ listenHandler srv (lsock, _) =
void $ waitAnyCancel [r, w, idle]
logLine $ BS.pack $
"Connection from " ++ fromMaybe "unknown" hName ++ " terminated"
delIrcConnection srv cid
mkIrcServer :: IrcConfig -> IO ServerState
@ -206,4 +230,6 @@ startIrcServer config = do
srv <- mkIrcServer config
let sHost = srv ^. ircConfig . ircHost
sPort = srv ^. ircConfig . ircPort
logLine $ BS.pack $
mconcat ["Starting server on ", show sHost, " ", show sPort]
async $ PN.listen sHost sPort (listenHandler srv)
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe as DM
import Pipes.Concurrent as PC
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Log
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Types
sendToMany :: a -> [Output a] -> IO ()
@ -31,8 +32,9 @@ ircEventHandler srv evt =
outConns <- readTVarIO $ srv ^. ircConnections
let os = fmap _out $ DM.mapMaybe (`M.lookup` outConns) _outDest
sendToMany _outMsg os
logOutMsg _outMsg _outDest
return True
Pong {..} -> do
atomically $ modifyTVar' (srv ^. ircConnections) $
M.adjust (gotPong .~ False) _pongConn
M.adjust (gotPong .~ True) _pongConn
return True
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
module Pipes.IRC.Server.IrcMonad
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Error
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.RWS
@ -26,6 +27,40 @@ mkUser = do
srvname <- view ircHostName
return $ newUser srvname conn
-- * User registration management
storePassKey :: PassKey -> IrcMonad ()
storePassKey k = clientReg . rcvdPass ?= k
storeNickKey :: NickKey -> IrcMonad ()
storeNickKey nn = clientReg . rcvdNick ?= nn
storeUserName :: ByteString -> IrcMonad ()
storeUserName n = clientReg . rcvdName ?= n
registerUser :: RegState -> IrcMonad ()
registerUser rs = clientReg .= rs
-- * IrcServer management
joinNickToChan :: NickKey -> ChanKey -> IrcMonad ()
joinNickToChan nn c = clientServer %= ircJoin nn c
partNickFromChan :: NickKey -> ChanKey -> IrcMonad ()
partNickFromChan nn c = clientServer %= ircPart nn c
reserveNick :: NickKey -> IrcMonad ()
reserveNick nn = clientServer . ircNicks . contains nn .= True
changeNick :: NickKey -> NickKey -> IrcMonad ()
changeNick oldN newN = do
clientServer %= ircChangeNick oldN newN
clientReg . regdNick %= (\n -> n{nick = newN})
associateUserWithNick :: IrcUser -> NickKey -> IrcMonad ()
associateUserWithNick usr nn = clientServer . ircUsers . at nn ?= usr
-- * Pretty Printing
ppServiceName :: ServiceName -> ByteString
@ -114,22 +149,36 @@ chanEcho chans iMsg = do
msg <- addUserPrefix iMsg
findReceivers chans >>= fwdMsg msg
allChans :: IrcMonad [ChanKey]
allChans = do
cs <- runMaybeT $ do
nn <- lift useNick >>= hoistMaybe
usrs <- lift (use $ clientServer . ircUsers)
usr <- hoistMaybe $ M.lookup nn usrs
let chans = S.elems $ usr ^. userChannels
return chans
return $ fromMaybe [] cs
allChanEcho :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
allChanEcho iMsg = do
mNick <- useNick
when (isJust mNick) $ do
let nn = fromJust mNick
mUser <- use $ clientServer . ircUsers . at nn
when (isJust mUser) $ do
let usr = fromJust mUser
let chans = S.elems $ usr ^. userChannels
chanEcho chans iMsg
cs <- allChans
chanEcho cs iMsg
disconnectUser :: Int -> IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
disconnectUser cid msg = do
allChanEcho msg
tell [Close cid]
doQuit :: Maybe ByteString -> IrcMonad ()
doQuit qmsg = do
connId <- use clientConn
hostname <- fromMaybe "unknown hostname" <$> use clientHost
quitMsg <- renderQuitMsg qmsg
let quitParam = mconcat [":Closing Link: ", hostname, " (", quitMsg, ")"]
let msg = IrcMessage Nothing (Left QUIT) [quitParam]
tellCommand ERROR [quitParam]
disconnectUser connId msg
-- * Command validation utilities
type ErrParam = (IrcReply, [IrcParam])
@ -143,7 +192,7 @@ runValidation :: IrcMonadErr () -> IrcMonad ()
runValidation = tellErr <=< runEitherT
ensure :: Bool -> IrcReply -> [IrcParam] -> IrcMonadErr ()
ensure p r ps = when p $ left (r, ps)
ensure p r ps = unless p $ left (r, ps)
ensureUse :: IrcMonad (Maybe a) -> ErrParam -> IrcMonadErr a
ensureUse u e = lift u >>= hoistEither . note e
@ -155,7 +204,7 @@ checkParamLength cmd ps n =
checkSuppliedNickname :: [IrcParam] -> IrcMonadErr NickKey
checkSuppliedNickname ps = do
ensure (not . null $ ps) err_nonicknamegiven [":must supply a nickname"]
ensure (not $ null ps) err_nonicknamegiven [":must supply a nickname"]
return (head ps)
checkRegistration :: IrcMonadErr NickKey
@ -166,13 +215,18 @@ checkChannelPresence :: ChanKey -> IrcMonadErr IrcChannel
checkChannelPresence ckey =
ensureUse (useChan ckey) (err_badchannelkey, [ckey, ":No such channel"])
checkChannelAbsence :: ChanKey -> IrcMonadErr ()
checkChannelAbsence ckey = do
ch <- lift $ useChan ckey
ensure (isNothing ch) mempty mempty
checkUserOnChan :: NickKey -> ChanKey -> IrcChannel -> IrcMonadErr ()
checkUserOnChan nn c ch =
ensure (chanHasUser nn ch) err_notonchannel [c, ":Not on channel"]
checkUserNotOnChan :: NickKey -> ChanKey -> IrcChannel -> IrcMonadErr ()
checkUserNotOnChan nn c ch =
ensure (not . chanHasUser nn $ ch) err_notonchannel [c, ":Already on channel"]
ensure (not $ chanHasUser nn ch) err_notonchannel [c, ":Already on channel"]
checkInvitation :: NickKey -> ChanKey -> IrcChannel -> IrcMonadErr ()
checkInvitation nn c ch = ensure (ircInviteCheck nn ch)
@ -185,7 +239,7 @@ checkPassKey k c chan = ensure (ircPassCheck k chan)
checkNickFree :: NickKey -> IrcMonadErr ()
checkNickFree nickname = do
nickSet <- lift (use $ clientServer . ircNicks)
ensure (S.member nickname nickSet)
ensure (not $ S.member nickname nickSet)
err_nicknameinuse [nickname, ":Nickname is already in use."]
-- * Adding responses to the Writer portion of the monad
@ -1,12 +1,41 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Pipes.IRC.Server.Log
( logMsg )
( logMsg
, logLine
, logOutMsg
import Data.ByteString as BS
import Pipes.IRC.Message.Render
import Pipes.IRC.Message.Types
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Time
import Pipes.IRC.Message
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Types
logMsg :: IrcMessage -> IO ()
logMsg msg = BS.putStr $ BS.concat ["LOG: ", renderIrcMessage msg]
logMsg :: IrcMessage -> ByteString -> RegState -> IO ()
logMsg msg h userReg =
putLog $ BS.concat ["MSG:", hStr, uStr, renderIrcMessageNoNL msg]
hStr = BS.concat [" ", h, " "]
uStr = BS.concat $ case userReg of
Unreg _ (Just nn) Nothing -> [" ", nn, " ? "]
Unreg _ Nothing (Just name) -> [" ? ", name, " "]
Unreg _ (Just nn) (Just name) -> [" ", nn," ", name, " "]
RegUser (NickName nn (Just name) _) -> [" ", nn," ", name, " "]
_ -> [" ? ? "]
logOutMsg :: IrcMessage -> [Int] -> IO ()
logOutMsg msg os =
putLog $ BS.concat [ "OutMSG: "
, BS.intercalate "," $ map (BS.pack . show) os
, ": "
, renderIrcMessageNoNL msg ]
logLine :: ByteString -> IO ()
logLine = putLog
putLog :: ByteString -> IO ()
putLog l = do
now <- getCurrentTime
BS.putStrLn $ BS.concat [BS.pack (show now), " : ", l]
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module Pipes.IRC.Server.MessageHandler
( ircMessageHandler )
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Applicative (pure, (<$>), (<|>))
import Control.Error
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.RWS
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import Data.Set as S
import Pipes.IRC.Message.Types
import Pipes.IRC.Server.IrcMonad
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Server
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Types
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Util
@ -43,14 +42,25 @@ regHandler :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
regHandler msg@IrcMessage{..} = do
pMsg <- addUserPrefix msg
case command of
Left PRIVMSG -> handlePRIVMSG pMsg
Left AWAY -> return ()
Left INVITE -> return ()
Left JOIN -> handleJOIN pMsg
Left PART -> handlePART pMsg
Left KICK -> return ()
Left KILL -> return ()
Left LIST -> return ()
Left NICK -> return ()
Left MODE -> return ()
Left NAMES -> return ()
Left NICK -> handleNICK pMsg
Left NOTICE -> return ()
Left PART -> handlePART pMsg
Left PING -> handlePING pMsg
Left PONG -> handlePONG pMsg
Left PRIVMSG -> handlePRIVMSG pMsg
Left TOPIC -> return ()
Left QUIT -> handleQUIT pMsg
Left WHO -> return ()
Left WHOIS -> return ()
Left WHOWAS -> return ()
_ -> return ()
-- * Handlers for messages coming from unregistered users
@ -58,22 +68,22 @@ regHandler msg@IrcMessage{..} = do
unregPASS :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
unregPASS IrcMessage{..} = runValidation $ do
checkParamLength "PASS" params 1
lift $ clientReg . rcvdPass ?= head params
lift $ storePassKey (head params)
unregNICK :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
unregNICK IrcMessage{..} = runValidation $ do
nickname <- checkSuppliedNickname params
checkNickFree nickname
lift $ do
clientReg . rcvdNick ?= nickname
clientServer . ircNicks . contains nickname .= True
storeNickKey nickname
reserveNick nickname
unregUSER :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
unregUSER IrcMessage{..} = runValidation $ do
checkParamLength "USER" params 4
lift $ do
clientReg . rcvdName ?= head params
storeUserName (head params)
tryRegistration :: IrcMonad ()
@ -83,8 +93,8 @@ tryRegistration = do
case regState of
Unreg _ (Just nickname) (Just name) -> do
usr <- mkUser
clientReg .= (RegUser $ NickName nickname (Just name) hostname)
clientServer . ircUsers . at nickname ?= usr
registerUser (RegUser $ NickName nickname (Just name) hostname)
associateUserWithNick usr nickname
tellWELCOME nickname
tellYOURHOST nickname
@ -107,22 +117,19 @@ handlePONG _ = do
-- echoed to channels that the user belongs to
handleQUIT :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
handleQUIT msg@IrcMessage{..} = do
connId <- use clientConn
hostname <- fromMaybe "unknown hostname" <$> use clientHost
quitMsg <- renderQuitMsg (headMay params)
let quitParam = mconcat [":Closing Link: ", hostname, " (", quitMsg, ")"]
tellCommand ERROR [quitParam]
disconnectUser connId msg{params = [quitParam]}
handleQUIT IrcMessage{..} = doQuit (headMay params)
handleJOIN :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
handleJOIN msg@IrcMessage{..} = runValidation $ do
checkParamLength "JOIN" params 1
nn <- checkRegistration
lift $ case params of
-- Joining channel "0" really means to PART all channels
["0"] -> do cs <- useUserChans nn
doPart msg{command=Left PART} (S.elems cs) Nothing
-- No passwords were supplied
cs:[] -> doJoin msg $ zipParams (parseParamList cs) []
-- Some number of passwords were supplied
cs:ks:_ -> doJoin msg $ zipParams (parseParamList cs) (parseParamList ks)
handlePART :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
@ -135,16 +142,20 @@ handlePART msg@IrcMessage{..} = runValidation $ do
doJoin :: IrcMessage -> [(ChanKey, Maybe PassKey)] -> IrcMonad ()
doJoin msg chans = forM_ chans $ \(c, k) -> runValidation $ do
nick <- checkRegistration
chan <- checkChannelPresence c
checkUserNotOnChan nick c chan
checkInvitation nick c chan
checkPassKey k c chan
-- If the channel is absent, joining it will create it
checkChannelAbsence c
-- If it already exists, do some sanity checks first
<|> do chan <- checkChannelPresence c
checkUserNotOnChan nick c chan
checkInvitation nick c chan
checkPassKey k c chan
lift $ do
clientServer %= ircJoin nick c
joinNickToChan nick c
tellTOPIC c
tellNAMES [c]
chanEcho [c] msg
findReceivers [nick] >>= fwdMsgNoReplace msg
doPart :: IrcMessage -> [BS.ByteString] -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> IrcMonad ()
doPart msg chans pmsg = forM_ chans $ \c -> runValidation $ do
@ -155,9 +166,8 @@ doPart msg chans pmsg = forM_ chans $ \c -> runValidation $ do
lift $ do
chanEcho [c] newMsg
rs <- findReceivers [nn]
fwdMsgNoReplace msg rs
clientServer %= ircPart nn c
findReceivers [nn] >>= fwdMsgNoReplace msg
partNickFromChan nn c
handlePRIVMSG :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
handlePRIVMSG msg@IrcMessage{..} = do
@ -167,3 +177,13 @@ handlePRIVMSG msg@IrcMessage{..} = do
rsp:_:_ -> let rs = parseParamList rsp
in findReceivers rs >>= fwdMsg msg
return ()
handleNICK :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
handleNICK msg@IrcMessage{..} = runValidation $ do
nn <- checkRegistration
newNick <- checkSuppliedNickname params
checkNickFree newNick
lift $ do
cs <- allChans
findReceivers (cs <> [nn]) >>= fwdMsgNoReplace msg
changeNick nn newNick
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ module Pipes.IRC.Server.Server
import Control.Lens
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.Map ((!))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
@ -112,7 +111,7 @@ ircInviteCheck :: NickKey -- ^ nickname of possibly invited user
-> IrcChannel -- ^ name of channel to check
-> Bool -- ^ may the user join?
ircInviteCheck n chan =
chanHasModeFlag InviteOnly chan && not (chanUserIsInvited n chan)
not (chanHasModeFlag InviteOnly chan) || chanUserIsInvited n chan
-- | Determine whether the given channel will disallow joining due to
-- a missing or incorrect password. A 'True' value indicates that
@ -121,7 +120,7 @@ ircPassCheck :: Maybe PassKey -- ^ password supplied by user
-> IrcChannel -- ^ channel to check
-> Bool -- ^ may the user join?
ircPassCheck k chan =
chanHasPass chan && (isNothing k || not (chanCheckPass (fromJust k) chan))
not (chanHasPass chan) || (isJust k && chanCheckPass (fromJust k) chan)
-- | Change the nickname of a user from 'old' to 'new', updating the
-- necessary 'IrcServer' structures. No nick collision check is
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ module Pipes.IRC.Server.Types
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TVar)
import Control.Error
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.RWS (RWS)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
Reference in New Issue