More refactoring of error handling and making better use of lenses

Levi Pearson 2014-03-01 17:11:16 -07:00
parent b6299f59ba
commit 8f5e224a8f
4 changed files with 188 additions and 167 deletions

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@ -3,16 +3,18 @@
module Pipes.IRC.Server.IrcMonad
import Control.Error
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, isJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Pipes.IRC.Message.Types
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Channel
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Server
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Types
import Pipes.IRC.Server.User
@ -39,7 +41,11 @@ ppHostPreference hp = case hp of
-- * Monadic utilities
useChan :: ChanKey -> IrcMonad (Maybe IrcChannel)
useChan cname = fmap (M.lookup cname) $ use (clientServer . ircChannels)
useChan cname = use $ clientServer . ircChannels . at cname
useUserChans :: NickKey -> IrcMonad (S.Set ChanKey)
useUserChans nn =
use (clientServer . ircUsers . at nn . traverse . userChannels)
useNick :: IrcMonad (Maybe NickKey)
useNick = do
@ -49,15 +55,6 @@ useNick = do
RegUser (NickName nn _ _) -> Just nn
_ -> Nothing
validateNick :: NickKey -> IrcMonad Bool
validateNick nickname = do
nickSet <- use $ clientServer . ircNicks
if S.member nickname nickSet
then do
tellNumeric err_nicknameinuse [nickname, ":Nickname is already in use."]
return False
else return True
channelTargets :: ChanKey -> IrcMonad [Int]
channelTargets chname = do
srv <- use clientServer
@ -128,8 +125,78 @@ allChanEcho iMsg = do
let chans = S.elems $ usr ^. userChannels
chanEcho chans iMsg
disconnectUser :: Int -> IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
disconnectUser cid msg = do
allChanEcho msg
tell [Close cid]
-- * Command validation utilities
type ErrParam = (IrcReply, [IrcParam])
type IrcMonadErr = EitherT ErrParam IrcMonad
tellErr :: Either (IrcReply, [IrcParam]) a -> IrcMonad ()
tellErr (Left (r, ps)) = void $ tellNumeric r ps
tellErr _ = return ()
runValidation :: IrcMonadErr () -> IrcMonad ()
runValidation = tellErr <=< runEitherT
ensure :: Bool -> IrcReply -> [IrcParam] -> IrcMonadErr ()
ensure p r ps = when p $ left (r, ps)
ensureUse :: IrcMonad (Maybe a) -> ErrParam -> IrcMonadErr a
ensureUse u e = lift u >>= hoistEither . note e
checkParamLength :: BS.ByteString -> [IrcParam] -> Int -> IrcMonadErr ()
checkParamLength cmd ps n =
ensure (length ps >= n)
err_needmoreparams [cmd, ":Need more parameters"]
checkSuppliedNickname :: [IrcParam] -> IrcMonadErr NickKey
checkSuppliedNickname ps = do
ensure (not . null $ ps) err_nonicknamegiven [":must supply a nickname"]
return (head ps)
checkRegistration :: IrcMonadErr NickKey
checkRegistration =
ensureUse useNick (err_notregistered, [":You have not registered"])
checkChannelPresence :: ChanKey -> IrcMonadErr IrcChannel
checkChannelPresence ckey =
ensureUse (useChan ckey) (err_badchannelkey, [ckey, ":No such channel"])
checkUserOnChan :: NickKey -> ChanKey -> IrcChannel -> IrcMonadErr ()
checkUserOnChan nn c ch =
ensure (chanHasUser nn ch) err_notonchannel [c, ":Not on channel"]
checkUserNotOnChan :: NickKey -> ChanKey -> IrcChannel -> IrcMonadErr ()
checkUserNotOnChan nn c ch =
ensure (not . chanHasUser nn $ ch) err_notonchannel [c, ":Already on channel"]
checkInvitation :: NickKey -> ChanKey -> IrcChannel -> IrcMonadErr ()
checkInvitation nn c ch = ensure (ircInviteCheck nn ch)
err_inviteonlychan [c, ":Cannot join channel (+i)"]
checkPassKey :: Maybe PassKey -> ChanKey -> IrcChannel -> IrcMonadErr ()
checkPassKey k c chan = ensure (ircPassCheck k chan)
err_badchannelkey [c, ":Cannot join channel (+k)"]
checkNickFree :: NickKey -> IrcMonadErr ()
checkNickFree nickname = do
nickSet <- lift (use $ clientServer . ircNicks)
ensure (S.member nickname nickSet)
err_nicknameinuse [nickname, ":Nickname is already in use."]
-- * Adding responses to the Writer portion of the monad
renderQuitMsg :: Maybe BS.ByteString -> IrcMonad BS.ByteString
renderQuitMsg (Just msg) = return $ BS.append "Quit: " msg
renderQuitMsg Nothing = useNick >>= \nickname ->
return $ case nickname of
Just n -> BS.append "Quit: " n
Nothing -> ""
tellYOURHOST :: NickKey -> IrcMonad ()
tellYOURHOST nickname = do
srvname <- view ircHostName

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@ -5,20 +5,17 @@ module Pipes.IRC.Server.MessageHandler
( ircMessageHandler )
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Error
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.RWS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set as S
import Pipes.IRC.Message.Types
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Channel
import Pipes.IRC.Server.IrcMonad
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Server
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Types
import Pipes.IRC.Server.User
import Pipes.IRC.Server.Util
ircMessageHandler :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
@ -42,155 +39,6 @@ unregHandler msg@IrcMessage{..} =
Left QUIT -> handleQUIT msg
_ -> return ()
unregPASS :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
unregPASS IrcMessage{..} =
if length params < 1
then tellNumeric err_needmoreparams ["PASS", ":Need more parameters"]
else do
clientReg . rcvdPass .= (Just $ head params)
return ()
unregNICK :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
unregNICK IrcMessage{..} =
if length params /= 1
then tellNumeric err_nonicknamegiven [":must supply a nickname"]
else let nickname = head params in
validateNick nickname >>= flip when
(clientReg . rcvdNick .= Just nickname >>
clientServer . ircNicks %= S.insert nickname >>
unregUSER :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
unregUSER IrcMessage{..} =
if length params < 4
then tellNumeric err_needmoreparams ["USER", ":need more parameters"]
else do
clientReg . rcvdName .= (Just $ head params)
renderQuitMsg :: Maybe BS.ByteString -> IrcMonad BS.ByteString
renderQuitMsg (Just msg) = return $ BS.append "Quit: " msg
renderQuitMsg Nothing = useNick >>= \nickname ->
return $ case nickname of
Just nick -> BS.append "Quit: " nick
Nothing -> ""
handlePING :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
handlePING _ = do
srvname <- view ircHostName
tellCommand PONG [":" <> srvname]
handlePONG :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
handlePONG _ = do
cid <- use clientConn
tell [Pong cid]
-- JOIN, MODE, KICK, PART, QUIT and of course PRIVMSG/NOTICE need to be
-- echoed to channels that the user belongs to
doQuit :: IrcMessage -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> IrcMonad ()
doQuit msg quitParamIn = do
connId <- use clientConn
quitMsg <- renderQuitMsg quitParamIn
hostname <- use clientHost
let hoststr = fromMaybe "unknown hostname" hostname
let quitParam = BS.concat [ ":Closing Link: ", hoststr
, " (", quitMsg, ")"]
tellCommand ERROR [quitParam]
allChanEcho msg{params = [quitParam]}
tell [Close connId]
return ()
handleQUIT :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
handleQUIT msg@IrcMessage{..} =
doQuit msg $ case params of
[] -> Nothing
p:_ -> Just p
handleJOIN :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
handleJOIN msg@IrcMessage{..} =
case params of
[] -> tellNumeric err_needmoreparams ["JOIN", ":Not enough parameters"]
["0"] -> do
Just nn <- useNick
cs <- use $ clientServer . ircUsers . at nn
let Just chans = fmap (^. userChannels) cs
doPart msg{command=Left PART} (S.elems chans) Nothing
cs:[] -> doJoin msg $ zipParams (parseParamList cs) []
cs:ks:_ -> doJoin msg $ zipParams (parseParamList cs) (parseParamList ks)
handlePART :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
handlePART msg@IrcMessage{..} =
case params of
[] -> tellNumeric err_needmoreparams ["PART", ":Not enough parameters"]
cs:[] -> doPart msg (parseParamList cs) Nothing
cs:pm:_ -> doPart msg (parseParamList cs) (Just pm)
tellErr :: IrcReply -> [IrcParam] -> IrcMonadErr ()
tellErr r ps = lift (tellNumeric r ps) >> left []
checkRegistration :: IrcMonadErr BS.ByteString
checkRegistration = do
mNick <- lift useNick
when (isNothing mNick) $
tellErr err_notregistered [":You have not registered"]
right $ fromJust mNick
doJoin :: IrcMessage -> [(BS.ByteString, Maybe BS.ByteString)] -> IrcMonad ()
doJoin msg chans = forM_ chans $ \(c, k) -> runEitherT $ do
nick <- checkRegistration
mChan <- lift $ useChan c
when (isJust mChan) $ do
let chan = fromJust mChan
when (chanHasUser nick chan) $ left "already on channel"
when (ircInviteCheck nick chan) $
tellErr err_inviteonlychan [c, ":Cannot join channel (+i)"]
when (ircPassCheck k chan) $
tellErr err_badchannelkey [c, ":Cannot join channel (+k)"]
lift $ do
clientServer %= ircJoin nick c
tellTOPIC c
tellNAMES [c]
chanEcho [c] msg
doPart :: IrcMessage -> [BS.ByteString] -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> IrcMonad ()
doPart msg chans pmsg = forM_ chans $ \c -> runEitherT $ do
nn <- checkRegistration
mChan <- lift . use $ clientServer . ircChannels . at c
when (isNothing mChan) $ tellErr err_nosuchchannel [c, ":No such channel"]
let ch = fromJust mChan
unless (chanHasUser nn ch) $ tellErr err_notonchannel [c, ":Not on channel"]
lift $ do
let plist = case pmsg of
Just bs -> [c, BS.append ":" bs]
Nothing -> [c]
let newMsg = msg{params = plist}
chanEcho [c] newMsg
findReceivers [nn] >>= fwdMsgNoReplace msg
clientServer %= ircPart nn c
tryRegistration :: IrcMonad ()
tryRegistration = do
regState <- use clientReg
hostname <- use clientHost
case regState of
Unreg _ (Just nickname) (Just name) -> do
let nn = NickName nickname (Just name) hostname
clientReg .= RegUser nn
usr <- mkUser
clientServer . ircUsers %= M.insert nickname usr
tellWELCOME nickname
tellYOURHOST nickname
tellMOTD nickname
_ -> return ()
regHandler :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
regHandler msg@IrcMessage{..} = do
pMsg <- addUserPrefix msg
@ -205,6 +53,112 @@ regHandler msg@IrcMessage{..} = do
Left QUIT -> handleQUIT pMsg
_ -> return ()
-- * Handlers for messages coming from unregistered users
unregPASS :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
unregPASS IrcMessage{..} = runValidation $ do
checkParamLength "PASS" params 1
lift $ clientReg . rcvdPass ?= head params
unregNICK :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
unregNICK IrcMessage{..} = runValidation $ do
nickname <- checkSuppliedNickname params
checkNickFree nickname
lift $ do
clientReg . rcvdNick ?= nickname
clientServer . ircNicks . contains nickname .= True
unregUSER :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
unregUSER IrcMessage{..} = runValidation $ do
checkParamLength "USER" params 4
lift $ do
clientReg . rcvdName ?= head params
tryRegistration :: IrcMonad ()
tryRegistration = do
regState <- use clientReg
hostname <- use clientHost
case regState of
Unreg _ (Just nickname) (Just name) -> do
usr <- mkUser
clientReg .= (RegUser $ NickName nickname (Just name) hostname)
clientServer . ircUsers . at nickname ?= usr
tellWELCOME nickname
tellYOURHOST nickname
tellMOTD nickname
_ -> return ()
-- * Handlers for messages coming from registered users
handlePING :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
handlePING _ = do
srvname <- view ircHostName
tellCommand PONG [":" <> srvname]
handlePONG :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
handlePONG _ = do
cid <- use clientConn
tell [Pong cid]
-- JOIN, MODE, KICK, PART, QUIT and of course PRIVMSG/NOTICE need to be
-- echoed to channels that the user belongs to
handleQUIT :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
handleQUIT msg@IrcMessage{..} = do
connId <- use clientConn
hostname <- fromMaybe "unknown hostname" <$> use clientHost
quitMsg <- renderQuitMsg (headMay params)
let quitParam = mconcat [":Closing Link: ", hostname, " (", quitMsg, ")"]
tellCommand ERROR [quitParam]
disconnectUser connId msg{params = [quitParam]}
handleJOIN :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
handleJOIN msg@IrcMessage{..} = runValidation $ do
checkParamLength "JOIN" params 1
nn <- checkRegistration
lift $ case params of
["0"] -> do cs <- useUserChans nn
doPart msg{command=Left PART} (S.elems cs) Nothing
cs:[] -> doJoin msg $ zipParams (parseParamList cs) []
cs:ks:_ -> doJoin msg $ zipParams (parseParamList cs) (parseParamList ks)
handlePART :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
handlePART msg@IrcMessage{..} = runValidation $ do
checkParamLength "PART" params 1
lift $ case params of
cs:[] -> doPart msg (parseParamList cs) Nothing
cs:pm:_ -> doPart msg (parseParamList cs) (Just pm)
doJoin :: IrcMessage -> [(ChanKey, Maybe PassKey)] -> IrcMonad ()
doJoin msg chans = forM_ chans $ \(c, k) -> runValidation $ do
nick <- checkRegistration
chan <- checkChannelPresence c
checkUserNotOnChan nick c chan
checkInvitation nick c chan
checkPassKey k c chan
lift $ do
clientServer %= ircJoin nick c
tellTOPIC c
tellNAMES [c]
chanEcho [c] msg
doPart :: IrcMessage -> [BS.ByteString] -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> IrcMonad ()
doPart msg chans pmsg = forM_ chans $ \c -> runValidation $ do
nn <- checkRegistration
ch <- checkChannelPresence c
checkUserOnChan nn c ch
let newMsg = msg{params = c : maybe [] ((:[]) . BS.append ":") pmsg}
lift $ do
chanEcho [c] newMsg
rs <- findReceivers [nn]
fwdMsgNoReplace msg rs
clientServer %= ircPart nn c
handlePRIVMSG :: IrcMessage -> IrcMonad ()
handlePRIVMSG msg@IrcMessage{..} = do
case params of

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@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ ircInviteCheck n chan =
-- | Determine whether the given channel will disallow joining due to
-- a missing or incorrect password. A 'True' value indicates that
-- conditions for joining are met.
ircPassCheck :: Maybe ByteString -- ^ password supplied by user
ircPassCheck :: Maybe PassKey -- ^ password supplied by user
-> IrcChannel -- ^ channel to check
-> Bool -- ^ may the user join?
ircPassCheck k chan =

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import Pipes.Network.TCP (HostPreference (..), ServiceName,
type NickKey = ByteString
type ChanKey = ByteString
type PassKey = ByteString
type IrcEvents = [IrcEvent]
@ -112,5 +113,4 @@ data ClientState =
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''ClientState
type IrcMonad a = RWS IrcConfig IrcEvents ClientState a
type IrcMonadErr a = EitherT String (RWS IrcConfig IrcEvents ClientState) a
type IrcMonad = RWS IrcConfig IrcEvents ClientState