
129 lines
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//! Blinks an LED and updates a UI based on an OLED display and rotary encoder
//! This demonstrates decomposing an RTIC-based project into communicating
//! tasks and breaking out lower-level hardware details into separate modules.
//! The UI model itself is a completely separate crate, and can also be built
//! for the `embedded-graphics-simulator` on the host, allowing for rapid UI
//! development without having to re-flash.
// RTIC requires that unused interrupts are declared in "dispatchers" when
// using software tasks; these free interrupts will be used to dispatch the
// software tasks.
// For a list, see:
#[rtic::app(device = stm32f1xx_hal::stm32, peripherals = true, dispatchers = [TAMPER])]
mod app {
use rtt_target::{rprintln, rtt_init_print};
use stm32f1xx_hal::prelude::*;
use blue_pill_ui::board::{self, Board, CountDownTimer, TIM2, TIM3, Event};
// Defining this struct makes shared resources available to tasks;
// they will be initialized by the values returned from `init` and
// will be wrapped in a `Mutex` and must be accessed via a closure
// passed to its `lock` method.
// If you annotate a field with #[lock_free] you can opt-out of the
// mutex but it may only be shared by tasks at the same priority.
struct Shared {
/// This will be used to communicate control updates from the
/// control polling task to the idle thread, which manages the
/// UI model and display drawing
update: Option<(i32, bool)>,
// This struct defines local resources (accessed by only one task);
// they will be initialized by the values returned from `init` and
// can be accessed directly.
struct Local {
led: board::UserLed,
encoder: board::Encoder,
display: board::Display,
poll_timer: CountDownTimer<TIM2>,
blink_timer: CountDownTimer<TIM3>,
// This task does startup config; the peripherals are passed in thanks to
// `peripherals = true` in the app definition. They are the `device` and
// `core` fields of `init::Context`.
fn init(cx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local, init::Monotonics) {
rprintln!("init begin");
let Board { encoder, display, led, mut poll_timer, mut blink_timer } = Board::init(cx.device);
let delta = 0;
let button_up = false;
let update = Some((delta, button_up));
rprintln!("init end");
(Shared { update }, Local { led, encoder, display, poll_timer, blink_timer }, init::Monotonics())
/// The idle task never stops running, so it can hold `!Send` state like
/// our UI state. It busy-waits for updates via the shared `update`
/// resource.
#[idle(local = [display], shared = [update])]
fn idle(cx: idle::Context) -> ! {
let mut ui: ui::HelloDisplay<128,64> = ui::HelloDisplay::new();
let mut update = cx.shared.update;
loop {
if let Some((delta, button_up)) = update.lock(|upd| upd.take()) {
if delta != 0 {
if button_up {
cx.local.display.draw(&mut ui);
// Poll the encoder and send its state to the idle task via the shared
// `update` resource. Print out the raw encoder count when the button is
// pressed.
// Since `count` is a local, we can have it initialized with a const expr.
#[task(local = [count: u16 = 0, encoder], shared = [update])]
fn count_update(mut cx: count_update::Context) {
let delta = cx.local.encoder.poll_count_delta();
let button_up = cx.local.encoder.poll_button_up();
if button_up {
rprintln!("Button pressed: encoder count is {}", cx.local.encoder.count());
cx.shared.update.lock(|upd| upd.replace((delta, button_up)));
// Interrupt task for TIM2, the control polling timer
#[task(binds = TIM2, priority = 2, local = [poll_timer])]
fn tim2(cx: tim2::Context) {
// Delegate the state update to a software task
// Restart the timer and clear the interrupt flag
// Interrupt task for TIM3, the LED blink timer
#[task(binds = TIM3, priority = 1, local = [led, blink_timer])]
fn tim3(cx: tim3::Context) {